Our solution
Our technology, with a registered global patent, can be used with the most diverse types of materials: iron ore, sand, coal and tailings.
In addition to the benefits in transporting and handling materials, the moisture reduction provides environmental gains, increases the stability of the piles, enables water reuse and reduces energy consumption in some processes.
MRS is increasingly focused on developing innovative, sustainable, economically viable solutions that deliver results to customers regardless of the material handled.
With this in mind, we work to promote some benefits for users of our system:
- Drier product in a shorter time frame
- Improved handling for loaders
- Better environmental working practices – no “run-off” water
- No pollution of surrounding water boundaries
- No stockpile “slump” resulting in safer working conditions
- No “freeze-ups” in stockpiles during winter months
- Load directly from live stockpiles on the same day as production
- Re-use clean discharge water for washing purposes
- Substantial water, fuel and energy savings
- Elimination of double handling

Iron Ore
MRS is the leading provider of mineral drying and handling services. We have operated on sites across the globe and in keeping with our forward-looking approach, we are enjoying the development of our expertise within the iron ore market.

The sand industry along with other material processors face mounting costs when their materials, if quarried wet, have to be stockpiled to allow gravity drainage to take place before they are eventually force dried in kilns, or oil-fired furnaces.

At the generation of power process stage, the optimum target for producers is to obtain the maximum amount of energy that is released. One key element that adversely affects the handling of coal and impacts on the operation…

In line with our diversified project basis, we are acutely aware of the strict requirement for providers and suppliers to know the moisture levels of their product, particularly in transport and for the industrial force-drying of Bauxite in kilns and rotary dryers.

One of the most important parts of the mining process and in the production and processing of raw ore, is what to do with the reject and waste material: the tailings. Particularly with the reduced solids content these tailings when discharged into standing ponds can increase the risk…