At the generation of power process stage, the optimum target for producers is to obtain the maximum amount of energy that is released. One key element that adversely affects the handling of coal and impacts on the operation and efficiency of the plant is water.
Excess or added moisture not only lowers the heating value of the coal, but creates an additional efficiency penalty. Therefore, the lower the moisture content of coal, the higher the calorific value is. We intend to keep it that way.
Through the use of Moisture Reduction Systems coal ‘AMR’ system, we maximize production and output yield and minimize operations on site.Our primary focus is on where the coal stocks are located. We operate exactly where they are so that loaders can load directly from livestock on the same day, whether this be at Port, or at the coal plant itself.

With the above points in mind, here are some of the benefits that users of our system enjoy:
- Drier product in a shorter time frame
- Improved handling for loaders
- Better environmental working practices – no “run-off” water
- No pollution of surrounding water boundaries
- No stockpile “slump” resulting in safer working conditions
- No “freeze-ups” in stockpiles during winter months
- Load directly from live stockpiles on the same day as production
- Re-use clean discharge water for washing purposes
- Substantial water, fuel and energy savings
- Elimination of double handling
MRS were contacted by one of the largest steel producers in the world to provide a solution that would give a regular and consistent moisture content throughout the year, particularly during the annual wet monsoon season.
One of the problems that the client was experiencing was that the moisture levels were too variable and therefore a consistent moisture level was required in the material that was entering into the blast furnace. If the material was too dry, then water was required to be added; resulting in an increased cost to the process. However, if the material was too wet, then the entire process was becoming increasingly operationally and financially inefficient.
The annual average moisture level of the material was 11.5% moisture content. However, during the monsoon season, this would increase to approximately 14% moisture content. Moisture Reduction Systems were tasked with providing a solution to reduce the level to an average of between 7.0% and 8.0%.
The challenge
- Reduce moisture content to specific levels and maintain
- Monthly average moisture level not below 7.0% and not above 8.0%
- Efficient and reliable operational use
- Deliver commercial efficiencies

MRS drew upon their knowledge and understanding of the operational process and requirement at the Steel plant in order to design and install a bespoke- tailored solution that would deliver to the customer the regular and specific moisture levels. The result was that the system delivered a monthly average moisture content of 7.2%. The customer was extremely happy with the system and its performance that further systems were ordered and Moisture Reduction Systems installed these at the customers’ other operational sites.